In this inaugural blog post we’ll demonstrate how to connect Erlang and SAP HANA One via odbc.
You have successfully deployed an EC2 instance with SAP HANA One.
I am using an Ubuntu EC2 instance with Erlang installed via the prebuilt binaries from Erlang Solutions.
Install two dependent packages libaio
and unixodbc
weppner:~$ sudo aptitude install libaio unixodbc
Copy the download URL for your platform from the SAP HANA One Downloads section.
weppner:~/hana$ wget --no-check-certificate
weppner:~/hana$ unzip
creating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/
creating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/
extracting: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/CLIENTINST.TGZ
inflating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/SQLDBC.TGZ
extracting: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/SAPSYSMF.TGZ
inflating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/PYTHON.TGZ
inflating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/PYDBAPI.TGZ
inflating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/JDBC.TGZ
inflating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/REPOTOOLS.TGZ
inflating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/ODBC.TGZ
inflating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client/manifest
inflating: linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/LABEL.ASC
weppner:~/hana$ cd linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/
weppner:~/hana/linuxx86_64/SAP_HANA_CLIENT$ sudo ./hdbinst
SAP HANA Database Client installation kit detected.
SAP HANA Database Installation Manager - Client Installation
Enter Installation Path [/usr/sap/hdbclient]:
Checking installation...
Preparing package "Python Runtime"...
Preparing package "Product Manifest"...
Preparing package "SQLDBC"...
Preparing package "REPOTOOLS"...
Preparing package "Python DB API"...
Preparing package "ODBC"...
Preparing package "JDBC"...
Preparing package "Client Installer"...
Installing SAP HANA Database Client to /usr/sap/hdbclient...
Installing package 'Python Runtime' ...
Installing package 'Product Manifest' ...
Installing package 'SQLDBC' ...
Installing package 'REPOTOOLS' ...
Installing package 'Python DB API' ...
Installing package 'ODBC' ...
Installing package 'JDBC' ...
Installing package 'Client Installer' ...
Installation done
Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_client_2013-09-13_06.14.39/hdbinst_client.log'.
is part of the client libraries and can be used to store information about the host:port, user and password with a given KEY
weppner:/usr/sap/hdbclient$ ./hdbuserstore set HDB SYSTEM top_secret_password
Before configuring odbc
, let’s test the connection with the SAP HANA Database interactive terminal hdbsql
. Use command \s
to check the status.
weppner:/usr/sap/hdbclient$ ./hdbsql -U HDB
Welcome to the SAP HANA Database interactive terminal.
Type: \h for help with commands
\q to quit
hdbsql=> \s
host : hanaserver:30015
database : HDB
user : SYSTEM
kernel version:
SQLDBC version: libSQLDBCHDB 1.00.62 Build 0380697-1510
autocommit : ON
locale : en_US.UTF-8
input encoding: UTF8
hdbsql HDB=> select 'hello HANA' from dummy
'hello HANA'
"hello HANA"
1 row selected (overall time 69.748 msec; server time 291 usec)
In a second test we can verify that odbc
connectivity can also be established using odbcreg
. Here, we refer to the KEY
set using hdbuserstore
above via the @
weppner:/usr/sap/hdbclient$ ./odbcreg @HDB SYSTEM
ODBC Driver test.
Connect string: 'DSN=@HDB;UID=SYSTEM;'.
retcode: 0
Driver version SAP HDB 1.00 (2013-08-01).
Select now(): 2013-09-13 06:53:58.102000000 (29)
To enable other applications to use the odbc
connection we edit /etc/odbcinst.ini
to register the HANA odbc
Description = HANA driver for Linux
Driver = /usr/sap/hdbclient/
FileUsage = 1
We now maintain a DSN in /etc/odbc.ini
and again refer to the KEY
set in hdbuserstore
as well as the driver name registered above.
Let’s create an Erlang module hana_marries_erlang.erl
to demonstrate how to connect and issue an SQL statement using Erlang’s odbc module
-export([connect/0, disconnect/1, command/2]).
% Basic database connectivity
{ok, Connection} = odbc:connect("DSN=HDB",[]),
% SQL command
command(Connection, Sql)->
odbc:sql_query(Connection, Sql).
% Disconnect
Using an Erlang shell we can finally ask SAP HANA some serious questions.
Erlang R16B01 (erts-5.10.2) [source-bdf5300] [64-bit] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.10.2 (abort with ^G)
1> c(hana_marries_erlang).
2> C = hana_marries_erlang:connect().
3> hana_marries_erlang:command(C, "select 'Will you marry me?' from dummy").
{selected,["'Will you marry me?'"],[{"Will you marry me?"}]}
4> hana_marries_erlang:disconnect(C).